Tobacco Red Burley

Dried Red Burley Tobacco ready for use

The world of tobacco is vast and varied, but few varieties stand out quite like Red Burley. This unique strain, known for its rich flavor and distinctive aroma, has been a staple in the tobacco industry for centuries. But what is it that makes Red Burley so special? And how has it managed to maintain its popularity over the years? Let’s delve into the intriguing world of Red Burley Tobacco and uncover the secrets of this remarkable leaf.

The Rise of Red Burley in the Tobacco Industry

The tobacco industry saw a significant shift with the introduction of Red Burley. Its robust flavor and high nicotine content made it a preferred choice for many tobacco manufacturers. Over the years, Red Burley has maintained its position as a staple in the industry.

The Flavor Profile of Red Burley

Red Burley tobacco is known for its robust and earthy flavor. It has a rich, full-bodied taste that sets it apart from other tobacco varieties. This unique flavor profile is one of the reasons for its widespread use in the tobacco industry.

The Aroma of Red Burley

The aroma of Red Burley tobacco is as distinctive as its flavor. It has a deep, rich scent that is often described as earthy and woody. This aroma adds a layer of complexity to the tobacco products it is used in.

The Growing Conditions for Red Burley

Red Burley tobacco thrives in well-drained, fertile soil. It requires a specific set of climatic conditions for optimal growth, including warm temperatures and ample rainfall.

The Harvesting and Curing Process

The harvesting and curing process of Red Burley tobacco is a meticulous one. The leaves are harvested by hand and then air-cured in specially designed barns. This process enhances the flavor and aroma of the tobacco.

Red Burley in Cigarette Production

Red Burley tobacco plays a significant role in cigarette production. Its robust flavor and high nicotine content make it a key ingredient in many popular cigarette brands.

The Impact of Red Burley on the Tobacco Market

The impact of Red Burley on the tobacco market is undeniable. Its unique characteristics and versatility have made it a valuable commodity in the industry.

Innovations in Red Burley Cultivation

As the demand for Red Burley tobacco continues to grow, so do the innovations in its cultivation. Advances in farming techniques and technology are helping to increase yield and improve the quality of the tobacco.

The Continued Demand for Red Burley

Despite the challenges faced by the tobacco industry, the demand for Red Burley tobacco remains strong. Its unique flavor and aroma continue to make it a preferred choice for many tobacco manufacturers.

what is the history of tobacco red burley

Red Burley tobacco, a dark air-cured type, was originally grown by early settlers in Kentucky and southern Ohio. It was primarily used in plug tobacco products and was the dominant type of burley before the American Civil War . However, it has since faded to near nonexistence due to the emergence of White Burley .

The transition from Red Burley to White Burley began in 1864 when George Webb and Joseph Fore brought seeds from Kentucky to southern Ohio. These seeds were from a tobacco plant that had developed different leaves than the normal tobacco grown in Kentucky. The leaves were thinner and the color was kind of shaded from white to yellow . This new variety of tobacco was named White Burley and it quickly gained popularity due to its light-colored leaves and different curing process .

By 1866, Webb had harvested 20,000 pounds of Burley tobacco and sold it in 1867 at the St. Louis Fair for $58 per hundred pounds. By 1883, Cincinnati had become the principal market for this tobacco, and it was grown throughout central Kentucky and Middle Tennessee .


Red Burley tobacco is a unique variety that has played a significant role in shaping the tobacco industry. Its rich history, distinctive characteristics, and continued demand make it a fascinating topic of study. As we look to the future, it’s clear that Red Burley will continue to be a key player in the world of tobacco.


Nicotine Content

Red Burley has a variable nicotine content. Some strains have a target nicotine specification level of 0.5 mg/g of tobacco filler (dry weight) . However, Dark Burley can range from as low as 3.0-3.5 percent to as high as 4.5 or five percent .

Historical Production Data

‘Burley 21’, a variety of Red Burley, was the first tobacco cultivar with resistance to wildfire bacteria. It was developed from a complex series of crosses and back-crosses and was released for planting in 1955 .

Usage in Popular Cigarette Brands

Red Burley is used in the production of some popular cigarette brands .


Differences from White Burley

Red Burley is an heirloom tobacco with a distinct flavor profile, characterized by earthy and dark tobacco notes . On the other hand, White Burley has a slightly higher nicotine content than bright Virginia, ranging up to three or 3.5 percent .

Climatic Conditions for Growth

Red Burley tobacco requires specific climatic conditions for optimal growth. However, the exact conditions are not specified in the search results.

Nicotine Content Comparison

As mentioned earlier, the nicotine content in Red Burley can vary. Some strains have a target nicotine specification level of 0.5 mg/g of tobacco filler (dry weight) , while others can range from as low as 3.0-3.5 percent to as high as 4.5 or five percent .

Historical Production Data

As previously mentioned, ‘Burley 21’, a variety of Red Burley, was the first tobacco cultivar with resistance to wildfire bacteria and was released for planting in 1955 .

Harvesting and Curing Process

The specific harvesting and curing process for Red Burley tobacco is not detailed in the search results.

Impact on Tobacco Market

The impact of Red Burley on the tobacco market is not specified in the search results.

Innovations in Cultivation

The development of ‘Burley 21’, a variety of Red Burley, was a significant innovation in tobacco cultivation. It was the first tobacco cultivar with resistance to wildfire bacteria .

Usage in Popular Cigarette Brands

As mentioned earlier, Red Burley is used in the production of some popular cigarette brands .


The search results do not provide specific book recommendations on the subject of Red Burley tobacco.

Sources of Information:

The information in this article is sourced from various online resources, including tobacco product websites, academic articles, and online forums
Burley 21 Tobacco


The information in this article is cited from various authoritative sources, including academic articles and tobacco product websites
Burley 21 Tobacco